Divorce Mutual Agreement Sample

Divorce is a heavily emotional process, but it can be made easier when both parties come to an agreement. A divorce mutual agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms of the divorce, including child custody, alimony, and property division.

If you are considering a divorce and wish to make the process less stressful, you may want to consider creating a mutual agreement. Here is a sample of what one might look like:


This agreement, made and entered into on [date], is between [Name of Husband] and [Name of Wife], collectively referred to as “the parties.”

Purpose of the Agreement

The parties desire to avoid litigation and settle the issues arising from their marital relationship.

Child Custody/Visitation

The parties agree to joint legal custody of their children, [List Names of Children]. The parties will share physical custody of the children on an alternating weekly basis, with the exchanging of the children on [day] at [time]. Should one party wish to change the custody arrangement, they must provide the other party with at least two weeks` notice.

Child Support

The parties agree that the monthly child support payment will be [amount], to be paid by [Name of Party] to the other party on the [day] of each month.


The parties agree that [Name of Party] will pay alimony to the other party in the amount of [amount] per month for a period of [number of months/years]. After this period, alimony will cease.

Property Division

The parties have agreed to split all property and assets equally. The parties will execute any necessary documents to effectuate this division, including but not limited to deeds and vehicle titles.


The parties have agreed to divide all debts equally. Each party will be responsible for paying off the debts assigned to them as part of the property division.

Mutual Release

The parties agree that upon the execution of this agreement, all claims, rights, and liabilities arising from the marital relationship will be released and discharged.


This agreement represents the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations and understandings. The parties execute this agreement voluntarily and without duress.

While this sample may not cover every issue that may arise during a divorce, it provides a starting point for negotiating a mutual agreement. It`s important to remember that divorce can be complex, and it`s always best to seek the advice of an experienced family law attorney before entering into any legal agreement.

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